Responsible Investment

Trilantic Europe has historically paid close attention to Environmental, Social and Governance matters and will continue to consider a wide array of non-financial indicators when evaluating opportunities to invest in a transaction and when monitoring investments throughout their life cycle. To consolidate Trilantic Europe’s historical and ongoing commitment to responsible investment, the firm became a signatory of the UN Principles for Responsible Investment.

Trilantic Europe is a contributor of the Coral Reef Rehabilitation Project, a project that has been designed to conserve and enhance the natural reef in the Indian Ocean. Trilantic Europe has funded a number of submarine structures that help creating a new nursery area and shelter for several species of fish, molluscs or crustaceans. Additionally, Trilantic Europe's partners are planting 26,000 trees in deforested areas.
Trilantic Europe is committed to high standards of corporate governance. Under Trilantic Europe’s investment approval process, investment recommendations, after initiation by the advisory side of the business, are subject to vetting by the central advisory boards, overseen by the Investment Advisory Board. The decision to invest is then independently taken by AIFM, and the General Partners of the fund. This multi-layered process is designed to enable the appropriate segregation of responsibilities among the different decision makers at Trilantic Europe. Throughout, Trilantic Europe’s processes are governed by effective corporate governance frameworks compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.
For additional information regarding Trilantic Europe’s approach to ESG matters, please see our ESG policy.